Powering the national railway network of Ireland

Iarnród Éireann or Irish Rail, operates city and commuter services in Dublin and Cork as well as intercity services throughout Ireland as the operator of the national railway network of Ireland.
For Irish Rail, customers are at the heart of their business. Their mission is to deliver transport services that continuously meet customers’ requirements and help drive Irelands’ economic development. This operator has been powered by S3 Passenger since April 2017.
Irish Rail selected S3 Passenger in 2015 to replace their entire national reservation, pricing, ticketing, and distribution system. This change was part of the Irish Rail ‘Customer First’ programme, intended to improve the allround customer experience. Sqills teamed up with Cubic Transportation Systems, Irish Rail’s prime contractor.
The ‘Customer First’ programme consolidates a series of technology initiatives intended to transform the way Irish Rail offers its services and interacts with customers, now and in the years to come. This includes strong yield management that matches supply and demand and enhanced seat reservation capabilities, powered by S3 Passenger.
S3 Passenger handles multi-segment and multi-stopover passenger transport services, with or without reservation including sales of additional on-board services and after-sales operations of previously created bookings.
Irish Rail is immediately benefiting from S3 Passenger’s proven technology during the first days of operation, with improved customer experiences and record online revenue generation! S3 Passenger and Sqills have lived up to our expectations, especially their ‘can do’ mentality.
Sqills delivering S3 Passenger with a system integrator
Since 2015, Sqills and Cubic have provided IT products and services to Irish Rail, including service design, service transition, and service operations. As prime contractor, Cubic has the overall responsibility for the service delivery since go live.
Some characteristics that made the implementation project special include:
Offering open and reserved ticketing
Booking office functionalities and conductor tooling that offers sales and validation functionalities, powered by S3 Passenger
Sqills considers having direct access and an open dialogue with Irish Rail crucial for the success of both companies and the ongoing innovation of S3 Passenger.
March 2021 – the move to AWS
Previously S3 Passenger was hosted on-premises by Cubic in their UK data centres. In 2020, Irish Rail, Cubic, and Sqills agreed on a migration project that would upgrade S3 Passenger to the latest version in the AWS cloud managed by Sqills. This marks the first use of the SaaS system. Irish Rail benefits from all features and technical improvements added to the system over the last four years. You can read more about the project on our website by clicking here.

Interested to learn more about Irish Rail's Customer First programme and how we replaced their dated legacy systems? Contact Simon and find out why Irish Rail continues to trust S3 Passenger to power their business.
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