S3 Passenger

The software product behind the Sqills mission

With S3 Passenger, we deliver an industry-leading software solution that empowers you to position rail and bus passenger transport as the travel option of choice. From implementation to go live and beyond, we're committed to a lasting partnership that ensures your success for years to come.

S3 Passenger intro image

All you need as a carrier and distributor

The benefits in a nutshell
  • Increase seat occupancy

  • Enhance yield per seat

  • Increase passenger self-service

  • Improve operational efficiency

  • Reduce the time-to-market of innovations

  • Increase business agility

Bringing two worlds together

S3 Passenger covers all functionalities in two of the most important roles for any passenger transport company: passenger carrier and ticket distributor. With an integrated view on these two traditionally separated roles, S3 Passenger offers industry-leading capabilities that reduce costs and time-to-market, while increasing passenger satisfaction.

One comprehensive software solution

Our software includes inventory management, flexible pricing options, and self-service capabilities that allow passengers to rebook, cancel, refund, upgrade, and add additional services before or after purchasing their ticket. All distribution channels are managed from a centralised back-end, letting you tailor your offer specifically to the needs of your target audience.

Modular architecture for maximum flexibility

A unique aspect of S3 Passenger is that all our customers use the exact same software product, despite these operators being very different in their business model and operation. The reason behind this is the modular architecture of S3 Passenger that allows for a virtually unlimited amount of configuration options and combinations. This makes S3 Passenger future-proof, without legacy solutions or technical debt standing in the way of growing your business.

  • S3 Navigator

  • S3 Inventory

  • S3 Fare

  • S3 Ticket

  • S3 CRM

  • S3 Payment

  • S3 Communication

  • S3 Revenue Management

  • S3 Travel Pass

  • S3 No Ride List

  • S3 Booking Manager

  • S3 Portal

  • S3 Auth

  • S3 Config

Scalable without limitations or compromises

Third parties include

  • AWS

We support a wide range of operators, from industry giants that sell millions of tickets annually, to those that operate on a smaller scale. Our software is fully hosted in the Amazon AWS cloud. This allows S3 Passenger to be scaled up or down to any required volume, entirely depending on your business needs. S3 Passenger can handle thousands of incoming API calls per second without challenge.

You run your trains and buses while we run the system - that way each of us is doing what we do best in perfect harmony.

Open to connect and integrate

The open architecture of S3 Passenger lets it integrate with a tremendous range of APIs from external operating systems, third-party inventory systems, distribution partners, and any other integration that you may need. We’re a frontrunner in introducing OSDM as the international rail industry standard, which is why our software comes with full support for OSDM out-of-the-box.

Mission-critical in every single aspect

Sqills granted certificates

We handle a significant portion of our customers' service operations, a responsibility we do not take lightly. Our credentials back us up on this. We have a wide range of ISO security and quality-related certificates. And the entire S3 Passenger software suite and architecture are PCI DSS Level 1 compliant.

S3 Passenger comes with an extensive service-level agreement (SLA) that documents our responsibilities to you. Our SLA documents everything from response time and procedural agreements to service requests. We are there for you 24/7.

Keeping S3 Passenger moving forward

Some operators that trust S3 Passenger include:

True partnerships

S3 Passenger is not just our invention. Its wide functional scope of capabilities is the result of intensive collaboration within the joint community of rail and bus operators. Decades of industry knowledge combined within one software suite. Our customers help us improve our product every single day. Customers like SNCF, Eurostar, SJ, and many others. We’re in it together, for the long haul. Curious why they all chose S3 Passenger? We'd be happy to connect you with them. That way they can tell you themselves.

Continuous evolution

We constantly improve and innovate S3 Passenger on a technical and functional level. We release new versions continuously. These new versions are delivered to our customers automatically, without downtime or any need for maintenance. This means that from the moment you start the implementation process and for the years to come, your software will be constantly updated and further improved, allowing you to benefit from countless of new features along the way.

Get in touch with us

Want to know more about S3 Passenger? Contact us for a demo or to discuss your needs as a transport operator. We're eager to hear about your challenges with legacy systems or your plans for a new operation.