First British carriers now live on S3 Passenger

The Rail Delivery Group (RDG) now officially has the first 4 of its 18 TOCs (Train operating companies) running on S3 Passenger. The remaining 14 TOCs will be in production by early November.
This means that by November 2020, S3 Passenger will power inventory management and reservations for all TOCs across Great Britain and process over one hundred million passenger segments annually over the years to come.
RDG brings together the companies that run Britain’s railway to deliver a better railway for passengers and the country. S3 Passenger supports these objectives by offering more efficient train scheduling, enhanced flexibility and functionality in inventory management, as well as advanced customer segmentation and seating capabilities to TOCs.
The rich S3 Passenger functionality has already proven itself under COVID 19 conditions allowing British TOCs to switch between reserved seating and counter driven bookings per service to offer customers on board a safer journey by controlling volumes per departure
Easier access to green alternatives for rail travellers
With the go-live of RDG, 30 operators from Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, Italy, and France will use S3 Passenger as their inventory, ticketing, and reservation system for B2C, B2B and/or B2T purposes. This marks an important step towards more standardisation for rail.
As (long-distance) rail is emerging as an increasingly efficient and popular mode of transportation throughout Europe, both operators and travellers benefit from this standardisation as it allows them to sell/buy tickets across wider international networks. By connecting to multiple inventory systems of other carriers, it increases the number of booking options available to both the operator and the traveller.
By making rail travel a more attractive option in terms of usability, services and available destinations, rail transport will evolve as the natural choice for environmentally conscious global citizens.
Sqills is committed to ongoing S3 Passenger innovations in support of rail travellers and TOCs thus stimulating sustainable and environmentally friendly travel.